Professor Jim Carney

Broadcast Programming COM 417

CNR CMA 649 Corp Video Prod.
Com 418 Mass Media & Public Policy
Broadcast Workshop Com 200
Broadcast Journalism Com 317
Broadcast Programming COM 417

Lehman College Broadcast Programming Class
Thanks to Samantha, here is the site with ratings info:

Link to EPIC Flash Movie on Future of Journalism
Link to Television Week Article
Season Preview: Debut Tradition Falls By The Wayside
Thanks to Nicole Vasquez for the following article on Reality TV from AOL News
Here is the article I taked about from the San Francisco Chronicle
Here is the Nielsen web page explaining (in their words) what TV ratings really mean-
The 45 minute panel discussion with Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather asnd Peter Jennings from lasr year can be accessed at
Link to reading for 9/21/05
"Brands Abandoned"
Broadcasting and Cable Magazine
Slate article on payola: What's Wrong With Payola?

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